Tuesday, November 17, 2015

What I Could Do To Make My Roller Coster Better

I could have totally redesigned the roller coster.  The turns did not work, and if I would have made them bigger the would have worked better. Also the turns where to small, and if they where bigger they would have worked better. If i would have had more supports it would have been more stable. If I used my time better it would have been more successful.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Character Blog Post #ChromvilleHalloween.

         My character is named Tomo. Tomo is a crazy robot from Mars. But Tomo looks and sounds like a real human. Tomo comes from his Dad with was an alien. His mom was an alien but when she saw him and he looked like a robot, she left him. When Tomo found out his mom left him he was very sad. But Tomo got over it quick and now eh hates her to.

         Tomo goes to MSOI for his education. MSOI stands for Mars School Of Idiots cause he is very stupid. Tomo's grades are very bad and he has gotten held back three years. If Tomo does not get his grades up he can't play Mars Ball. Mars Ball is where they through a space rock at each other until one team gets all of the others team out. But he doesn't all ways like to play because getting hit with a rock. Tomo is very fast though so he never gets hit.

         Tomo's grades are bad so he never gets to play. When he does play he is the best player on the team. One of the reasons why is because he is very very strong and can the the rock really hard. Tomo works hard at practice but not as hard in the classroom. Witch is bad cause without good grades he can't play. After many years tomo goes pro and ends up playing for a pro Mars Ball team. His team is called the Aliens and they win the Mars Ball Cup every year.